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Prof. Udo R. Markert, M.D. 介绍 图片

Prof. Udo R. Markert, M.D.

  • 德国耶拿大学妇产科胎盘研究所所长

  • 美国生殖免疫协会前任主席(2010-2012年),欧洲生殖免疫协会现任主席

  • 自2010年起担任《American Journal of Reproductive Immunology》副主编。

  • 编有《过敏反应的局部免疫治疗》、《配子和胚胎植入的免疫学》和《妊娠;免疫学》3本著作。

  • 主要研究方向为:人胎盘的生理学和病理学、胎盘毒理学、子宫、卵巢和不孕症。在胎盘研究和生殖医学,生殖免疫学领域发表科研论文126篇,指导75名学生完成学位论文。

Prof. Udo R. Markert, M.D.

  Dr. Udo R. Markert is the President-Elect of the American Society of Reproductive Immunology, which honored him with the John Christian Herr Award 2009. He is also council member of the International Societey for Immunology of Reproduction and the European Society of Reproductive Immunology. He is the Head of the Placenta-Laboratories, the research unit of the Department of Obstetrics at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany. The scientific focus of Dr. Markert’s group is intracellular signal transduction in cells at the materno-fetal interface, mainly trophoblast and NK cells, as well as proteomic analyses of fertility and pregnancy related body fluids. A major aim of his activities is motivating students to work in the field of reproductive immunology and pushing their international mobility. Thus far, Dr. Markert has supervised 40 master and doctorate theses. His lab was member of EMBIC, an European Network of Excellence on Embryo Implantation Control (www.embic.org) and is involved in numerous further international cooperation. Dr Markert is Associate Editor (since 2010), and was Editorial Board member (2003-2009) and Guest Editor (2003) of the American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. He has edited three books: “Local Immunotherapies in Allergy” (2003), “Immunology of Gametes and Embryo Implantation” (2005) and “Immunology of Pregnancy” (2005).

Prof. Udo R. Markert, M.D.

温馨提示:深圳中山泌尿外科医院(原 中山医科大学深圳泌尿外科医院)是深圳最早开展试管婴儿的医院,至今已诞生30000多名试管宝宝,是深圳市卫健委审批通过的合法开展辅助生殖技术(试管婴儿)的正规医院,做试管婴儿、人工授精请到深圳市卫健委批准的,有资质、正规辅助生殖医院。
